Miðalda (Midhalda) by Julia Reddy

Miðalda (Midhalda)

no longer available from 1 source show
March 2021
Aran (8 wpi) ?
19 stitches and 24 rows = 4 inches
in Stockinette
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
1155 - 2240 yards (1056 - 2048 m)
33.75 (37, 40.5, 43.75)(45.5, 48.75, 52.25, 55.5)(57.25, 60.75, 64) in / 85.5, (94, 103, 111)(115.5, 124, 132.5, 141)(145.5, 154.5, 162.5) cm
This pattern is available from etsy.me for $8.00.

Body and sleeves are worked separately bottom-up in the round then joined and the yoke is worked in the round. Charts are read from bottom to top and right to left. There are two body options: a short version without colorwork at the hem, and a tunic-length version with an edging design. The short version is straight (no waist shaping); the long version widens from the waist to the hips.

Sizes A(B, C, D)[E, F, G, H](I, J, K)
Chest circumference: 33.75 (37, 40.5, 43.75)[45.5, 48.75, 52.25, 55.5](57.25, 60.75, 64) in / 85.5, (94, 103, 111)[115.5, 124, 132.5, 141](145.5, 154.5, 162.5) cm.

Shown in Size B with 1.5 in / 4 cm positive ease.


Color A
Approximately 690 (750, 815, 880)[915, 980, 1045, 1055](1160, 1230, 1295) yd / 631 (686, 745, 805)[837, 896, 956, 1056](1061, 1125, 1184) m for long version.
685(740, 805, 875)[900, 965, 1030, 1155](1170, 1230, 1295) yd / 626 (677, 736, 800)[823, 882, 942, 1056](1070, 1125, 1184) m for short version.

Shown in #1415 Rough Sea; 7 (7, 8, 9)[9, 9, 10, 11](11, 12, 12) skeins for both lengths.

Color B
Approximately 55 (60, 65, 65)[70, 75, 80, 85](90, 90, 95) yd / 50 (55, 59, 59)[64, 69, 73, 78](82, 82, 87) m for long version.
40 (40, 40, 45)[45, 50, 50, 55](60, 60, 60) yd / 37 (37, 37, 41)[41, 46, 46, 50](55, 55, 55) m for short version.

Shown in #0052 Black Sheep Heather; 1 skein (all sizes)

Color C
Approximately 220 (235, 255, 285)[295, 315, 335, 355](375, 390, 405) yd / 201 (215, 233, 261)[270, 288, 306, 325](343, 357, 370) m for long version.
120 (125, 135, 155)[160, 175, 185, 195](210, 215, 225) yd / 110 (114, 123, 142)[146, 160, 169, 178](192, 197, 206) m for short version.

Shown in #0086 Light Beige Heather; 3 (3, 3, 3)[3, 3, 4, 4](4, 4, 4) skeins for long version; 2 (2, 2, 2)[2, 2, 2, 2](2, 2, 3) skeins for short version.

Color D
Approximately 110 (115, 125, 135)[140, 150, 160, 170](185, 190, 195) yd / 101 (105, 114, 123)[128, 137, 146, 155](169, 174, 178) m for long version.
45 (45, 50, 55)[55, 60, 65, 70](75, 75, 80) yd / 41 (41, 46, 50)[50, 55, 59, 64](69, 69, 73) m for short version.

Shown in #9427 Rust Heather; 2 skeins for long version, 1 skein for short version.

Color E
Approximately 80 (85, 95, 110)[115, 125, 130, 220](235, 245, 250) yd / 73 (78, 87, 101)[105, 114, 119, 201](215, 224, 229) m for long version.
45 (50, 55, 65)[65, 70, 75, 140](150, 155, 160) yd / 41 (46, 50, 59)[59, 64, 69, 128](137, 142, 146) m for short version.

Shown in #0085 Oatmeal Heather; 1 (1, 1, 2)[2, 2, 2, 3](3, 3, 3) skeins for long version; 1 (1, 1, 1)[1, 1, 1, 2](2, 2, 2) skeins(s) for short version.