Mug Cosy by Serina Cheung

Mug Cosy

Fingering (14 wpi) ?
free size
5.0 mm (H)
6.0 mm (J)
180 - 220 yards (165 - 201 m)
free size mug cosy
This pattern is available for free.

A super easy mug cosy to crochet using leftover yarn. Apart from keeping your cup of tea/coffee warm in the winter, it also doubles as a coaster too!

Mug Measurements
Royal Worcester, design by Caroline Gardner
Height: 8.5 cm
Base diameter: 7.5 cm
Rim diameter: 8.5 cm
Base to handle: 2 cm
Handle height: 5 cm

Fit / Adjustments
Since mug sizes differ, please remember to check the fit of your cosy to your particular mug. Check that the cosy base covers the entire base of your mug. If too small for your mug, adjust by adding more increases in the same way as set out in the pattern. If the cosy is not long enough for your mug, just add more rows according to the height of your mug. Remember the cosy should stop about 1 inch from the rim of your mug to facilitate easy drinking.

Put your feet up and enjoy a lovely cuppa at the end of your day!