One Tyre Short of a Car by Estella Barz

One Tyre Short of a Car

November 2013
Bulky (7 wpi) ?
US 8 - 5.0 mm
US 10 - 6.0 mm
7.0 mm
US 11 - 8.0 mm
197 yards (180 m)
one size

The story behind the name of the pattern/Die Geschichte zum Namen des Musters:

I was at my garage one day when the people working there had a bad day and talked a lot of confusing nonsense before changing the tyres. After that I had to go yarn shopping and this pattern was born from the yarn I got on this occasion.

Nach einigen erfolglosen Versuchen, das beste Muster für den tollen Farbverlauf des Garns zu finden, ist mir das hier eingefallen.
Ich habe den Cowl mit 5er Nadeln recht locker gestrickt. Man kann aber auch dickere Nadeln benutzen.

I tried to find the best pattern for this yarn.
I knitted this with 5mm needles loosely, so you may want to use bigger sized needles.