Paragould by Samantha Stadter


no longer available from 1 source show
May 2018
both are used in this pattern
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
19 stitches and 23 rows = 4 inches
in feather and fan
US 7 - 4.5 mm
1600 - 1720 yards (1463 - 1573 m)
one size
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

A knee-length open front multicolor cardigan/poncho/cover-up thing, Paragould is worked flat in one piece and ~technically~ seamless. Usually I avoid colorwork because it’s not very portable and I hate weaving in all the ends. However, I find this pattern to be worth the effort. In fact, despite its appearance, there really aren’t THAT many ends to weave in, especially if you cheat and weave them in three or four at time like me. ^-^

Unlike most of my patterns, this one is not worked top-down, but rather, it is cast on at the lower edge of the back, worked up towards the shoulders where it is split in two, then the front pieces are worked separately down towards the bottom edge. This creates a flat piece, which is folded at the shoulders. As I mentioned, it is technically seamless. Stitches are picked up along the outer edges. Then the middle stitches (around the armhole) are bound off and a 3-needle bind off is used to join the front and back pieces. I always tend to bind off way too tightly, so I use a modified stretchy bind off to create just a little elasticity. Instructions for this method are included in the pattern.

The back of the piece measures about 35” wide, and there is about a 3” gap at the neck on the front side. This pattern is designed to be work with generous positive ease, and could fit anywhere from a 32” to 46” bust size, depending on how much ease you want.

You will need about 840 yards for your main color and at least 400 yards for each contrast color.

Here it is pictured with my Weekend Wonder halter top and Summer Petrichor linen top.