Penelope the Popsicle by Lily Oger

Penelope the Popsicle

May 2021
Aran (8 wpi) ?
4.5 mm
5 - 15 yards (5 - 14 m)
This pattern is available for free.

Penelope the popsicle is an adorable popsicle amigurumi. She is made in two parts and then both parts are sewn together, or left separate if you want. Penelope the popsicle is the perfect gift to make for someone’s play kitchen or as a fun summer decoration. I hope you enjoy!

I made her with worsted weight yarn, but if you want a different size popsicle feel free to make it using any yarn you choose, just be sure to adjust the hook size

The gauge is not crucial for this pattern, just make sure there are no large gaps between stitches.