Quick & Easy Boot Cuffs by The Sheepish Hooker

Quick & Easy Boot Cuffs

November 2012
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
5.0 mm (H)
This pattern is available for $2.00 USD buy it now

Boot cuffs are the latest trend this Winter season. They are perfect for dressing up a pair of boots and look great when worn with jeans, leggings, or skirts.

Easy to wear, just slip them on before your boots! Cuffs are about 6” long, they fit a calf size of about 15” but this pattern is easily adaptable to any calf size.

Pattern uses only slip stitch, sc, and dc.

These are perfect to make for a quick gift for any woman. They work up fast and you need only basic stitches to create them.

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