RC Toy Story by Chantelle @onescreativemind

RC Toy Story

October 2021
DK (11 wpi) ?
2.5 mm

DK yarn (green, blue, black and red
2.5mm crochet hook
Yarn needle
Fire retardant Fibrefill
Black and white felt (for the eyes)
Craft wire
Felt glue
Hot glue gun and glue (optional, you can use other methods to secure your wire)
Pins (optional)
Stitch marker (optional)

^^ Note: I plan to use T-shirt transfer paper to get the detailing on the sides and spacer for RC. This is optional. you can leave the side plain or just use felt to create the same effect. ^^

MR# - magic ring with the specified number of single crochets
SC - single crochet (double crochet English)
HDC - half double crochet (half treble English)
INC - single crochet increase
#in1 - the specified number of SC in the same stitch (i.e. 3in1)
DEC - invisible decrease
2TOG - two stitches together decrease (non-invisible) method
_______ X# - repeat sequence within the asterisks the specified number of times e.g. SC, INC x6)
FLO - front loop only
BLO - back loop only
CH - chain stitches
CH1T - chain a stitch then turn your work
SS - slip stitch
ST/STS - stitch/stitches
FO - fasten off