Recycled Bag Plarn Crochet Pattern by Jennifer Tan

Recycled Bag Plarn Crochet Pattern

no longer available from 1 source show
May 2008
Super Bulky (5-6 wpi) ?
10.0 mm (N/P)
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

So many people have asked about this wonderful bag, so I finally created a pattern for it! It’s a great conversation starter when you use it at the grocery store.

The process is simple: collect plastic bags from your trips to the grocery store, bookstore, etc. Create “plarn” (plastic yarn). Crochet into a bag. Voila! You have a strong and unique bag that you can use when you go to the store.

Save the planet and have fun all at the same time!

Pattern includes:

  1. Pictures
  2. Instructions on making plarn
  3. Instructions on crocheting the bag
  4. Helpful tips.