Ringstrap Huaraches by Kari Marchant

Ringstrap Huaraches

October 2016
Sport (12 wpi) ?
8 sc per inch
2.75 mm (C)
250 - 350 yards (229 - 320 m)
One size, depending on gauge
Flag of English English
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

A very comfortable summer sandal.

For a child’s size use a finer yarn, smaller hook and/or fewer motifs to get a good fit.

Always make a gauge swatch as described in the pattern to choose the right hook and the number of motifs to include in the straps.

Rings at this gauge should be between 3/4” and 1” in diameter depending on size of foot you are fitting.

Materials needed: 300 yards should suffice for a medium size adult pair.

Purchased 1/2” metal buckles.

Soles: from flip-flops.

2 or 3 balls of the suggested yarn, depending on size.

This pattern has NOT been independently tested. It was reverse-engineered from the photo. I do not know the source of this image.

Your feedback is very much appreciated!