Rowan the Reindeer by Julia Hill-Montgomery

Rowan the Reindeer

Worsted (9 wpi) ?
3.5 mm (E)
3.25 mm (D)
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3.5 mm crochet hook - Size E
3.25 mm crochet hook - Size D
worsted weight yarn - 3 colors
White/ivory- muzzle & antlers
Brown- body, arms, ears
Black or Dark Grey- nose, paws, feet, eyes
Red - nose - optional
stitch markers
tapestry needle
polyfil stuffing
embroidery thread

Everything is worked in continuous rounds unless stated otherwise.
Finished product measures approximately 12” tall depending on yarn tension and brand.
Toy will be worked in one continuous piece from the legs up to the head.
Gauge isn’t vital, the stitches just need to be dense enough to keep the stuffing in place.