Runabouts by Terri Worron


Worsted (9 wpi) ?
16 stitches and 4 rows = 1 inch
in single crochet (US)
5.0 mm (H)

Sizes For All
Small: fits women’s shoe size 4-6; Medium: shoe sizes 7-8; Large: shoe sizes 9-10.
Knitted sockers stretch to fit shoe sizes 4-10.
Size note: Instructions are written for size small, with changes for larger sizes in parentheses.
Special Abbreviations:
CO – cast on BO – bind off EOR – every other row
Materials: Worsted weight yarn, 3 (4-4) oz. main color, 1 oz. accent color; size H crochet hook (Canadian size 6) or size needed for gauge.
Gauge: In sc, with single strand, 16 sc = 4”