Russian Prime Sweater by Meg Swansen

Russian Prime Sweater

The color pattern featured originated from Russia via a Swedish book, Fiskartröjor och andra tröjklassiker

This two-colored pullover has 2 versions, ribbed and hemmed. Measurements are obtained via Elizabeth’s Percentage System, based on the swatch gauge. Both versions are knit in the round, from bottom up, steeked for the neck opening and at the sleeves. Sleeves are picked up and knit down; edgings can be ribbed or cuffed. Charts are given for the main body, yoke, side panel and sleeves. Instructions are given for continuation of the yoke pattern down to the sleeves. A double I-cord is applied around the neck, and optional directions are given for continuing the I-cord down the sleeves.

The Russian Prime DVD is also available from Schoolhouse Press.

Yarn used:
Main color 1050-1260 yd; 500-600g

Contrast 840-1050 yd; 400-500g