Sanyu (Joy) Sloth by Gail Sieczka

Sanyu (Joy) Sloth

September 2016
DK (11 wpi) ?
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
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I was asked by a friend to knit a sloth, and I thought, “no problem”. Until I began to look for sloth patterns, and I couldn’t find any that just seamed like the right sloth. So, along comes Sanyu Sloth. Sanyu means Joy.

I made Sanyu with straight needles, knitting each piece flat and then sewing them together. It does require i-cord for the toes. I did not add any eyes, since this Sanyu was on his way to a little one, and I didn’t want any chance for the eyes to be chewed off.