Seamless Striped Vest by Sheila Schnauzies

Seamless Striped Vest

January 2011
yarn held together
Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
Adjustable to any size.
This pattern is available for free.

From the website:

“This vest is designed with horizontal stripes on the back and vertical stripes on the front. It is then edged with black sequin yarn called “Enchantress,” available from Hobby Lobby. You can choose to do the stripes or all one color, do colorblocks or whatever your dream vest might be! I have a lot of gray and black in my wardrobe so I wanted something to coordinate with it all. Just have fun with it, and I’ll bet you’ll want to make more than one - I know I do!!

About yarn selection - the one thing you want to do is keep your yarn thicknesses similar. You don’t want to use
Homespun (a very thick yarn) with Vanna’s Glamour (a sport weight thin yarn), for example. But what you CAN do is to use the Vanna’s with two strands held together, or combine it with a worsted weight yarn to equal the size of the Homespun. Hope that makes sense! I really like using two strands of different yarns together, it adds color interest and depth to the finished work. So go yarn shopping - or grab 8-10 different yarns from your stash - and let’s crochet this vest!

You will find this pattern is just a bit unconventional - I don’t dictate hook sizes, gauges, etc. Try it - you’ll like it! It’s using what I call my “make to custom fit” method. You make IT fit YOU. It will work with any size of yarn. Make it any length you want, too!

Just one favor - please don’t publish this pattern anywhere electronically on the web or otherwise… you may publish a link to this page instead. Thank you!

Pattern and images ©SheilaSparkles 2011.“