Selkie Möbius Cowl by Whitney Ivey

Selkie Möbius Cowl

April 2016
Sport (12 wpi) ?
20 stitches and 32 rows = 4 inches
US 7 - 4.5 mm
437 - 530 yards (400 - 485 m)
One Size

As the mermaid myth of Shetland and Orkney, the selkies are seal maidens who would not lure sailors to their deaths, but instead shed their seal cloaks and marry the men. After years of being loyal wives, yet constantly yearning for their former lives, the selkies would find their old seal skin and return to the sea. The nature of this Möbius cowl mimics that of a selkie: beautiful yet untameable. The cowl’s lace pattern evokes the rolling of waves being tossed along the twist of the work.

I love how this cowl wears! It’s just the right width and depth, and with the möbius twist, it sits beautifully and effortlessly around the wearer’s neck. The fact that the möbius cast-on means there’s no right or wrong side also lets you be able to just throw the cowl on without fiddling about getting the public side forward.

Uses a sport weight/5ply yarn and a 100cm/39” 4.5mm/7US circular needle. For the sample, I used a hand-spun yarn made from one of Hilltop Clouds gorgeous blends!