Seven Felt Flowers for a Finish by The Sydney Morning Herald

Seven Felt Flowers for a Finish

August 1938
Light Fingering ?
US 1 - 2.25 mm
US 3 - 3.25 mm
34" bust
This pattern is available for free.

Materials: 7oz of 3 ply wool, in yellow; 1oz sf 3-piy wool, in white; 2 No. 13 and No. 10 needles; 1 1/2 yards of cord; 7 felt flowers.

Measurements: Bust, 34 inches; length to underarm seam, 13 inches; sleeve along seam. 18 1/2 inches.

There is something very appealing about the white vest in this pale gold jersey -- its corded neckline is as new as it is becoming -- and you will find it an attractive addition to your stock of woollies.