Signature Key Cabled Bling Bag by Angela Catirina of Catirina Bonet Designs

Signature Key Cabled Bling Bag

no longer available from 1 source show
January 2004
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
US 5 - 3.75 mm
Flag of English English
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Catirina Bonet Signature Key Cabled Bling Bag

Hand Knitting Pattern

· Our signature bag!

· Elegantly designed for the fashion conscious!!

· Chic tailoring for the knitter on the go—no worries about where to pack those necessary knitting needles.

We, the designers, live in a city (Los Angels) where having the RIGHT bag is EVERYTHING—and having the WRONG bag will get you booted to the back of the line in even the shabbiest of restaurants. But seriously, MUST we spent thousands of dollars on the latest designer tote just to get a decent table in a restaurant? We think not!

Granted, these bags are not for the faint of heart. The knitting is not difficult—if you’re just learning cables—this is a good place to start. Stitching it all together takes a little patience but it’s SOOO WORTHWHILE!! When finished, this bag not only looks expensive, it feels expensive too! Truly a bag for a lifetime!

Also, we design all of our bags so that they are entirely hand made —start to finish. So if you live in one of those places where it’s impossible to track down the #whatever plastic handles, and you have to special order certain trims—you’re in luck! All you need is a skein or two of delicious yarn, a zipper, inner lining and a bit of fabric.