Silky Honeycomb Scarf by Jane Weir

Silky Honeycomb Scarf

Lace ?
US 4 - 3.5 mm
8" X 68"
This pattern is available from for $4.95.

Yardage needed: 2 Gemstone Silk mini cones & 1 Douceur
This Halcyon Yarn pattern is free with the purchase of the selcted yarn(s)!

Knit this silky elegant scarf and have a dressy, light, luxurious accessory. Knit with two strands of yarn in a simple one row repeat. Have fun choosing color combinations and make a one of a kind scarf. Pattern and organza gifting bag are free with the purchase of the Gemstone Silk and Douceur et Soie specified in the pattern.