Simple Shawl for 22" BJD by Vicki Monthei

Simple Shawl for 22" BJD

January 2023
Lace ?
7 stitches and 14 rows = 1 inch
in garter stitch
US 5 - 3.75 mm
80 - 100 yards (73 - 91 m)
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This doll shawl pattern is very simple: a garter stitch rectangle. Skills needed are cast on, slip stitch, knit stitch and bind off. The slip stitch is optional. It helps neaten the edge but isn’t essential.

The gauge creates looser than normal knitting to obtain drape on a doll’s scale. Gauge isn’t critical for this item.

1 skein of Knit Picks Shadow will make about 4 shawls. Color used was “Oregon Coast”.

Doll is Custom House’s St. Mina.