Soft Washcloth With Edging by Sandra Campbell

Soft Washcloth With Edging

no longer available from other sources show
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
4.0 mm (G)
80 - 110 yards (73 - 101 m)
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

First of all, I just love this yarn! I guess that is why they call it ‘I Love This Yarn’! It is very, very soft and soft enough for a baby’s delicate skin, and for your face.

When I purchased it I had in mind to knit up a dishcloth. I had a very detailed pattern in which I followed to the letter, and in knitting when it comes off of the needle it just seems to expand! I did not want a dishcloth that large!! I also made my dishcloth with a green/yellow color I had purchased.

So, I decided with this yarn, maybe crochet would be best. I sat down and made my chain, and hdc in each stitch, back and forth and decided to put a different edging on it so I dabbled with trebles and therefore came up with what you see!

I think it is very pretty for the bathroom, a baby’s bathing table.

I did not test with a gauge…shame on me, I just never do…so when you see something in that portion….I had to fill it in! Another shame on me!