Spiralling Square by Laura Gilkey

Spiralling Square

October 2021
Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
5.5 mm (I)

Crochet mobius fidget toy in the shape of a two-layer square.

Your purchase is greatly appreciated, but if you need a free copy of the ebook for charity projects, feel free to use coupon code “CharityFidgets01”.

The edge of the toy can be endlessly pulled out from the center as a tool for focusing attention or calming restless nerves. Makes a great stashbuster, gift, or charity project. The geometric shape takes a bit more counting than other crochet mobius fidgets, but is still very simple.

Can be made in any desired gauge. Example uses worsted weight (#4 Medium) yarn and size I (5.5mm) crochet hook.

Any desired yarn
Matching crochet hook
Stitch Marker
Yarn needle

Stitches used:
ch - chain
sc - single crochet
sl st - slip stitch

Many thanks to Penny, Donna, and Lois of Lake Area Fiber Arts Guild - https://www.lakefiberarts.com/
And to the designers behind the following tutorials:
Lisa of less-waste.co.uk: “Hyperbolic Mobius” - https://www.less-waste.co.uk/yarn-scrap-hyperbolic-mobius/
Maak het met Miranda - Made with Miranda Workshops at Youtube: “Miranda’s Magic Fidget” - https://youtu.be/w4uzQqsrjrI

Designer’s Note: You may sell items you make from this pattern or do whatever else you like with them. You may also use this pattern to teach classes and distribute copies to the students. Otherwise, please do not redistribute the pattern itself; please link to the source.