Summer in Denmark sweater by Katrine Hannibal at Önling

Summer in Denmark sweater

June 2017
Lace ?
21 stitches and 31 rows = 4 inches
US 7 - 4.5 mm
1391 - 1855 yards (1272 - 1696 m)
Danish English
This pattern is available for kr.48.00 DKK
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Summer in Denmark sweater
A cold summer day in my summer house in Kandestederne close to Råbjerg Mile, Skagen. With re in the wood stove and quiet summer rain, one day I designed this sweater. For a Danish summer, where the weather is whimsical and sometimes it is nice to wear a nice, soft and lightweight sweater. The yarn of my choice is Spinni and Silk Mohair, which is nice, light and soft when knitted together. The sweater is a little oversize and long but with narrow sleeves. The colors are inspired by ice, beach, sun, summer and water… A summer day in North Jutland.


Bust circumference: (97)105(110)115(123)132(135) cm / (38 1⁄2)41 1⁄3(43 1⁄3)45 1⁄3(48 1⁄3)51 3⁄4(53 1⁄6) inches

Center back length: (63)64(65)66(67)68(69) cm / (24 3⁄4)25 1⁄5(25 1⁄2)26(26 1⁄3)26 3⁄4(27 1⁄5) inches

Sleeve length under sleeve: (44)43(41)40(37)36(35) cm / (17 1⁄4)17(16 1⁄4)15 3⁄4(14 1⁄2)14 1⁄4(1 33⁄4) inches

Color A: Isager Spinni color 2s: 50 g
Color B: Isager Spinni color 61: 50 g
Color C: Isager Spinni color 29s: 50 g
Color D: Isager Spinni color 39s: 50 g
Color E: Isager Spinni color 58: 50 g
Color F: Isager Silk Mohair color 0: (150)150(150)175(175)175(200) g

Work through the entire project with one thread Spinni and one thread Silk Mohair together.

Guiding circular needle and dpn’s size 31⁄2 and 4 mm / US 4 and 6.

1 stitch marker color A = marker mid back
8 stitch markers color B = raglan markers
3 meters accompanying cotton thread in a contrasting color

21sts and 31 rows in stockinette st on needle 4 mm / US 6 = 10 x 10 cm

The sweater is worked in the round, from the top down. Cast on stitches using a temporary crochet cast on, so the size of the neckline can be adjusted subsequently. Short rows are worked across the shoulder and the neckline at the beginning to give a higher neckline. The yoke is worked with increases in raglan. Hereafter the work is divided, and both sleeves and body are nished separately. The sleeves are worked in the round. Try on the sweater and then the temporary cast on edge is removed and a neckline is knitted on.

Stripes or solid color
Throughout the piece stripes are worked in random color and order and with random width of the stripes. Thus, determine yourself how the stripe sequence must be and what colors are most dominant. The sweater can also be knitted in a solid color.

The model in the picture has 6 round wide stripes, in this order: A, B, C, D, E. However, the stripes only start after the short rows.

On the model in the picture, there is also a 6th color in Spinni, it is yellow/green and is plant dyed by hand and not for sale. It is omitted in this pattern.