Summer Pullover by Becky Lesicka

Summer Pullover

September 2016
DK (11 wpi) ?
18 stitches and 13 rows = 4 inches
in 18 stitches and 13 rows of hdc = 4” x 4”
3.25 mm (D)
2.25 mm (B)
300 - 400 yards (274 - 366 m)
1 year and 2 years

This is a pattern for a toddler’s pullover sweater. It is made with DK yarn. I choose Kramer Yarn’s Tatamy DK because it is about 50% cotton and has a light feel, as well as is much cooler to wear in summer.

The pattern calls for size D and B hooks, but you may need a different size depending on whether you crochet loosely or tightly.