Syncopated Stripe Sweater by Hannah Sandler

Syncopated Stripe Sweater

January 2024
DK (11 wpi) ?
23 stitches and 36 rows = 4 inches
in GAUGE SWATCH PATTERN (provided in the pattern) in the round after blocking, using the main fabric needle
US 4 - 3.5 mm
US 6 - 4.0 mm
1305 - 2470 yards (1193 - 2259 m)
1 [2, 3, 4, 5] [6, 7, 8, 9] - 33.5" to 65.5" finished chest circumference
This pattern is available from for $9.00.

The Syncopated Stripe Sweater is a top-down raglan, featuring a playful twist on classic stripes. Slipped stitches are used in lieu of stranded colorwork to create the syncopated stripes, so only one
color is worked at a time. And this sweater is perfect for special single skeins and leftover yarns.


  • Main Fabric Needle: US 6/4.00 mm (or size needed to obtain gauge) - 40 in/100 cm circular needles for the body and 16 in/40 cm circular needles or DPNs for the sleeves.
  • Ribbing Needle: US 4/3.50 mm (or 2 sizes smaller than main fabric needle) - 40 in/100 cm circular needles for the hem, 24 in/60 cm circular needles for the collar, and DPNs or your preferred length for working small circumferences in the round for the sleeve cuffs.

3 stitch markers plus 1 unique marker to indicate the beginning of the round, tapestry needle, scrap yarn or stitch holders, scissors, measuring tape/ruler, spare needle (for tubular bind off)

23 sts & 36 rnds = 4 in/10 cm in GAUGE SWATCH PATTERN (provided in the pattern) in the round after blocking, using the main fabric needle.

Longtail cast on, German short rows, knit, purl, make 1 left and right on both the right side and wrong side of the work, slipped stitches, stripes, backwards loop cast on, picking up stitches, knit 2 together, slip slip knit, 2x2 ribbed tubular bind off (optional), bind off in rib (if not using the tubular bind off).

The Syncopated Stripe Sweater was designed in collaboration with Explorer Knits + Fibers, using the Rockies DK yarn base (100% Superwash Merino; 274 yds/251 m per 100 g skein)
Shown in the following colorways:

MC: Tawny
CC1: Drift
CC2: Linen
CC3: Eucalyptus

MC: Crocodile Rock
CC1: Linen
CC2: Snout
CC3: Roller Skate Red

See the Sweater Info PDF for detailed sizing and yardage requirements.