The Silence of Fog by Kay The Arky Designs

The Silence of Fog

September 2017
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
5 stitches and 9 rows = 1 inch
in pattern
US 7 - 4.5 mm
600 - 675 yards (549 - 617 m)
This pattern is available for $6.00 USD buy it now

When we lived in the Midwest, we often woke to early morning fog. When this happened, I liked to wrap myself in a shawl so I could take my coffee outdoors to sit and begin my day. The world looks quite different with fog drifting about, and there is a curious muffling effect fog has on sounds – I find it magical. I rarely experience fog here in the desert, and I find myself longing for it now and then.

Recently my daughter gifted me with two skeins of a soft, tonal, pale gray yarn in the color Fog, and finally the yarn told me what it wanted to be. The Baah Savannah yarn is deliciously soft, perfect for the soft feeling of fog that I wanted.

This a trapezoidal, bottom-up shawl, knitted with needles a size larger than what I usually use for fingering yarn, because I wanted to emphasize the soft effect of the fabric. The shawl is relatively long and shallow, and it may be wrapped and draped in many interesting ways. The texture is produced by “random rows,” different sequences of knit and purl stitches, which produces a naturally flat, cushy fabric that does not curl, has identical right and wrong sides, and does not need blocking. There are soft, simple picots all the way around, and I added a few beads at random. Although the knitting looks complicated, it’s not – there are directions for only one row, which is repeated over and over. The pattern is written, not charted, and is suitable for a beginning knitter.

FINISHED DIMENSION: 61 inches wide, 15 inches long

This can be made as large or small as you wish, but be aware that you may need more or less yarn accordingly. Caution: the picot bind off takes much more yarn than the usual bind off!

All size information and measurements are for the shawl as I made it.