To Bobble or Not To Bobble--Sweater by The Yarn Girls

To Bobble or Not To Bobble--Sweater

September 2004
Aran (8 wpi) ?
16 stitches = 4 inches
US 5 - 3.75 mm
392 - 784 yards (358 - 717 m)
child 0-3 months (3-6 months, 1 yr, 2 yr, 3 yr)
Errata available:

Pattern Description

A pretty stockinette stitch four quadrant cardigan with an optional bobbled border.

Yarn Requirements

  • 2 balls each of Color A and Color B

Knitted Measurements

  • Width--10 (10, 12, 13 1/2, 15) in
  • Length--10 (11, 12 13 1/2, 15) in
  • Sleeve Length--6 (6 1/2, 7, 8, 10) in

Additional Materials

  • 5 buttons