Traveling Cross Country by Olive & Pearl Knits

Traveling Cross Country

January 2020
Aran (8 wpi) ?
20 stitches and 32 rows = 4 inches
in Stockinette in the round, unblocked
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
110 - 125 yards (101 - 114 m)
S (up to 22”/55.88cm), L (up to 24”/61cm)
This pattern is available for $5.00 USD buy it now

Traveling Cross Country is the second installment in my Little Sister’s Braids collection. It is a unisex companion piece to Jules.

This slightly slouchy beanie/hat/toque came to fruition based upon a trip of traveling cross country to visit my sister. The staggered and stepped stitches remind me of the mountains as we drove through them and then gazed upon the peaks each day during our stay. The clean lines are like the plains we traveled across, not to mention the endless miles of highways. And then the squishy cable in the center is reminiscent of the crazy trip in general, the clouds floating over the mountaintops, but more of the hugs we shared once I saw my sister and her family after 1100+ days apart.

Traveling Cross Country can be worn with the design in the center or off to the side. Let it be the beginning of one of your adventures, making your own memories.

Knitting Notions & Notes
•110 - 125 yards/100.6-114 meters Lion Brand Wool-Ease (worsted, medium 4) yarn, or any aran or worsted weight yarn that meets gauge
•size 6/4mm 16”/40cm circular needles
•size 7/4.5mm 16”/40cm circular needles
•size 7/4.5mm DPNs or longer circulars for magic loop
•2 different/unique stitch markers
•Tape or Ruler
•Darning Needle

Gauge is 20x32 = 4”/10cm in stockinette knit in the round on size 7/4.5mm needles. Gauge should be achieved unwashed and unblocked.

Traveling Cross Country is copyrighted by Olive & Pearl Knits. The entirety of the pattern and all of my photos fall under this copyright. Sharing patterns with others, uploading to other sites, and reselling of patterns is illegal. With proper credit to me as the designer, projects knitted from this pattern may be sold except on a scale of mass production. Please link pattern back to this page or tag me on Instagram @OliveAndPearlKnits. I’d love to see your creations.