Twisted Trails EZ Cable Hat by Marcia McCormack

Twisted Trails EZ Cable Hat

October 2013
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
20 stitches and 27 rows = 4 inches
in Twisted Rib Pattern Stitch
US 6 - 4.0 mm
220 - 225 yards (201 - 206 m)
Small (4-year Old Child to Small Adult), Medium (Medium to Large Adult)
This pattern is available for $2.50 USD buy it now

If you’ve never tried to knit cables before, my Twisted Trails EZ Cable Hat may be the one you’ll want to try. Yes, yes, it’s a cable pattern, but you won’t need to worry about using a cable needle. No-sir-ree!! When you get down to it, cable stitches are simply stitches knit out of sequence and that’s what we have here. Stitches knitted out of sequence. And I’ve included instructions on how to do exactly that.

To make things a bit more fun I decided to add a twist to the rib by incorporating a twisted knit stitch. Don’t know how to do a twisted knit stitch? Don’t worry! The pattern will tell you how to do it.

The sample hat was knitted up by working 3 yarns together to make a worsted weight yarn, but you can just select a beautiful worsted weight yarn you like and use that. If you’re curious, though, I used 1 strand of Heritage Silk by Cascade lace weight (85% superwash wool/15% mulberry wool), 1 strand of Candy Cane lace weight (70% alpaca/20% silk/10% cashmere) and 1 strand of Great Northern Yarns DK weight (70% mink/30% cashmere).

As with all my designs, please contact me at the Email listed on the pattern if you have any questions as you work up the design. I want you to have a fun making the hat and end up with a beautiful result.

And as always, I thank you for looking at my pattern and a special thanks goes to my many Follower Admirers. You guys are the BEST!