Twitterpated by CharissaKnits


no longer available from 1 source show
May 2015
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
5 stitches and 7 rows = 1 inch
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 8 - 5.0 mm
150 - 200 yards (137 - 183 m)
One size fits all
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

This is a fun little hat that can really be knit with any sock yarn of your choosing. You can play around with the size by adjusting the needle size and colors to make the “twitterpated” cable pop.
I’m making this in a baby size next simply by adjusting the amount of stitches cast on and the size of needles. I will be using the same sock yarn however. This is a fun knit and easy to play around with the size.
Clear photos and instructions. Happy knitting. :) ♥