Waffle texture hat by Hope Bell

Waffle texture hat

October 2014
yarn held together
+ DK
= DK (11 wpi) ?
19 stitches = 4 inches
in pattern
US 10½ - 6.5 mm
adult slouchy 21"
This pattern is available for $4.00 USD
buy it now or visit pattern website

This chunky knit hat is knit holding DK and fingering yarn together to create thickness as well as a fun color mix
Size: Adult baggy (measures about 21” around)
Yarns: (held together)
1 ball: Jamison Shetland Spindrift Fingering (colors listed in pattern)
1 ball: Madeline Tosh Merino DK

Set of US 10.5 (6.0mm) Double pointed needles or 16” circular

Difficulty: not difficult (good for a beginner working on new skills) Knit flat with knit and purl sts only.