Waterfall Front Waistcoat by DMC

Waterfall Front Waistcoat

by DMC
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
8 stitches and 12 rows = 4 inches
in 8 V sts and 12 rows to 4in (10cm) measured over V st lace
1531 - 2143 yards (1400 - 1960 m)
32-34in, 36-38in, 40-42in (81-86cm, 91-97cm, 102-107cm)

Fitted waistcoat with waterfall front borders. It is worked in V st lace in one piece up to the armholes and then divided for back and fronts.

The pattern is available from your local DMC (UK) stockist.

Please report any errata to DMC.