
Thread ?
English German

Dreiteiliges Deckchen “Wera” (three corner doily Wera)
from Beyers Handarbeits-Bücher Band 55, edited by Marie Niedner and Gertrud Villforth, published in 1926.

Photo page 28 of the Lacis book (page 20 in original)
Chart Fig. 28 on page 51

Original description says “Das eigenartige Deckchen hat, mit Hakelgarn Nr. 100, einen Durchmesser von 25 cm” or roughly, “This uniquely-shaped/weird-shaped doily has, with Nr. 100 thread, a diameter of 25 cm”.

Needle size not given.

Cast on 12 st, join in the round, repeat chart 3 times.

Through Round 12, no plain or resting row between.
Odd rows are knitted plain after Round 12.