Wishy Washy Fishy Tawashi by Rhonda White

Wishy Washy Fishy Tawashi

January 2008
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
US 9 - 5.5 mm
Flag of English English Japanese

The fish have landed! The fish have landed! This pattern is from a Japanese tawashi book (Japanese Magic Scrubber book ISBN 978-4-8347-6294-7) and is very loosely translated by me. All ©copyrights are retained by the publisher - I am merely submitting my version of the OFT requested fishies to all of you loveable Ravelers ;o) As with any other © material, do not post to your list, send out mass mailings via post OR email, or claim the pattern to be your own. If you want a lot of people to have this pattern, don’t send offers for them to “borrow” the pattern - direct them to Ravelry or Knitting Knonsense please and thank you! ;o)