Yakaboo Sport Classic Tee by Still River Mill

Yakaboo Sport Classic Tee

January 2016
Sport (12 wpi) ?
20 stitches and 32 rows = 4 inches
in Stockinette
US 7 - 4.5 mm
895 - 1050 yards (818 - 960 m)
Women's Medium
This pattern is available from store.stillrivermill.com for $5.00.

This Pattern is available for FREE with purchase of the yarn.

Nothing says cozy more than this classic ¾ sleeve drop shoulder sweater. Knit in the round with subtle waist shaping, this will create a classic yet casual look.

This written pattern guides you through a bottom up, one piece mock turtle neck tee, using Still River Mill’s Yakaboo Sport weight yarn, a darning needle, and stitch markers. Luxury cuffs are created with a very basic technique.

US #7, 32” circular needle for body, size to meet gauge
US #7 double pointed needle set, or 12” or 16” circular for sleeves

The pattern calls for six skeins of Yakaboo Sport (40% Yak, 40% Merino, 20% Bamboo; 150 yds/ 50g skein); with additional skeins you could easily make full length sleeves.