Mom's Yarn (Pebble Substitute)

Fiber used


The yarn on the right in the top picture is the one that I think will work. The first yarn sample was not plied tightly enough. I made the second sample on 12-22 and swatched it on 12-23. It was knitted with a strand of Shibui Kava and the top portion is the Kava alone. This will be for the Axis vest from Shibui. Mom will be knitting it, I am providing her with the yarn she wants. I couldn’t easily replicate the Kava, so it is her Christmas present. It is in a color called Tar, which is more blue than I thought it would be. Looked dark gray in the photos. It looks more blue in the photo here than it is, but it is definitely a blue gray.


4 ounces are done and given to Mom on 3/6. I have another approximately 2-3 oz on the wheel now needing to be plied. I really like spinning this. It started out with me having to concentrate to get the grist right. Now it is a faster spin. The yarn is shinier than I would have expected from Corriedale.


Added another two bobbins of singles while I was at the NoCKRs 2016 retreat. Once plied I should have another 3-4 ounces of yarn. I thought I was finished, but I underestimated my yardage based on my finished weight. Note to self: handspun usually has a different weight to yardage ration than commercial yarn.


I’ve added photos of the vest in progress. It is very heavy and very springy. It will be warm, but I don’t think it will have the drape of the original vest unless blocked well.

viewed 48 times
December 19, 2015
May 13, 2016
  • Created: December 22, 2015
  • Updated: June 10, 2016