Purple Gradient

Tools used
Fiber used
Purple Gradient
210 grams
Finished yarn
115 meters: white
79 meters: lightest purple
79 meters: medium light purple
73 meters: medium purple
70 meters: medium dark purple
66 meters: darkest purple
65 meters: purple
1 project

February challenge: card and spin a gradient.

I started with 210 g of fiber, half of which was purple South American merino, the other half was undyed fine Australian merino. The first batch was 30g of white, then 25 g white and 5 g purple, 20 g white and 10 g purple … and so on until I ended with 30 g of purple.

Interesting observation: the white was a finer merino, than the purple (21 micron versus 27 micron) and the finer one I could spin much thinner.

As the mixtures progress to dark the yardage decreases significantly.

The biggest visual jump goes from white to the first mixed yarn, while there is nearly no difference between 3rd and 4th mix (20 g white and 10 g purple versus 15 g of each).

It was great fun to create the batts and watching, how the color changed slowly, I’ll probably use that again some time.

Great challenge!

viewed 70 times
February 2015
February 28, 2015
All used up
  • Created: February 12, 2015
  • Updated: March 2, 2015