Sweet Georgia Wistmas

singles = Z plied = Z
singles = 17.5 : 1
Tools used
Schacht Matchless
Fiber used
Sweet Georgia Wistmas
200 grams
Finished yarn
199 grams, 980 yards: Sweet Georgia Wistmas

I stripped one braid vertically into 8 thin strips and spun end to end keeping the colors in the same order.

I spun the other braid end to end without splitting.

I plied the two bobbins of singles together to make a 2-ply yarn.

Spun in DD, plied in IT.

I really don’t enjoy plying in IT; I’ve tried it 4 times on 3 different wheels and I just don’t like it. Back to ST for plying.

viewed 7 times
March 5, 2016
March 25, 2016
In stash
  • Created: March 7, 2016
  • Updated: June 9, 2016