Sunny Snuggle
July 23, 2011
September 16, 2011

Sunny Snuggle

Project info
28-29-63 Angel Blanket by Pierrot (Gosyo Co., Ltd)
BlanketBaby Blanket
Upstairs baby
Hooks & yarn
2.5 mm
Lemon 04

Cone of 3ply I got off ebay. Pretty Primrose colour. Love the pattern, not sure about the hook yet.

21.08.11 Now working it with a 2.5mm hook I’ve tucked into an old biro housing and taped up with grippy tape. Works like a charm. I have one strip of eight motifs joined. Picked up a tiny blocking board earlier in a sale which will be tomorrow’s project.

23.08.11 Coming along quickly now, Three strips all joined with a couple of squares on the blocking board. I’ll make more tonight and tomorrow, joining session on tomorrow night.

25.08.11 Half way through the main body of the blanket. I’ve a half dozen squares ready but won’t be joining them to it till I’ve a few more. Probably this evening.

26.08.11 Been at the knit n natter at Crawley Library today. Really pleased with how this was received. Didn’t quite finish joining row 5, but have the motif and half the next row so will catch up tomorrow.

29.08.11 Row 6 is joined, though I’ve not yet sewn in the ends. Piece is beautifully soft and light. I really like working cotton. Now working the tiles for row seven, which I hope to complete tomorrow.

10.09.11 Square complete, ends sewn in and I’m into the third or fourth round of edging. Just as wel, Upstairs Baby is due to arrive by C Section on Wednesday and should be home by the weekend.

30.08.11 (am) My legs hate me after all my hobbling this weekend. The light is bad outside so I’m under sofa arrest (rather than the lower security Patio Arrest). Spawn sill sleeps so chances of meeting my target are good.

2.9.11 Had to take a day or so off to do mucky handed stuffs, will crack on tomorrow and should have the main square finished this weekend.

6.09.11 Progress slow due to dental emergency and back to school drama breaking out. Still completing squares for row eight. I’m a little sad about coming to the end of them actually, they’re so much fun. :)

11.09.11 All squares now joined, I’m into the border, about to start row eight of the granny section. Must update pics soon. UpstairsBaby is due on Wednesday, but will likely not be home before the weekend.

14.09.11 Waiting to hear. almost finished, the penultimate row. Superstition kicked in.

15.09.11 Baby Alfie arrived yesterday. He weighs 7lb 3oz and though needed a few cautionary hours in the NICU is now doing well. Mum is shattered, but in good spirits. Blanket is all bar finished.

16.09.11 Last round completed, ends sewn in, removed my starter’s marker and is washed, drying in the kitchen ready for a light blocking tomorrow.

viewed 56 times
July 23, 2011
September 16, 2011
About this pattern
7 projects, in 21 queues
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  • Project created: July 23, 2011
  • Updated: September 16, 2011
  • Progress updates: 9 updates