Garter Rib Vest
October 23, 2010
December 5, 2010

Garter Rib Vest

Project info
#36 Garter Rib Vest by Family Circle
Needles & yarn
Beaverslide Dry Goods Merino/Mohair 90/10
128 yards in stash
2.5 skeins = 602.5 yards (550.9 meters), 282 grams
Beaverslide Dry Goods

Smallest size (46”) is too large, so downsizing it a little bit.

The 2-row garter rib pattern was written so that every other row was a purl row. Why? I just started with row 2 (the purl row) and made it a knit row (RS), and then worked the rib pattern on the WS by reversing the stitch pattern directions. Now it’s 3/4 knitting instead of 3/4 purling.

The pattern has you knit the 1x1 ribbed front bands as you go, using short rows evenly spaced up the pieces to keep the front bands from sagging. You pick up stitches along the back neck to work the ribbing for the back of the neck, then seam the front bands to the neck band.

I considered skipping all of that and knitting a garter stitch band on afterward, but then decided to knit it as written. It was a little fiddly, but I must admit, it looks nice.

For some reason, the back piece ended up much smaller than expected from my gauge swatch, but not the front pieces. I had to block the back really hard. Maybe I forgot to change the needle size after the ribbing. Wouldn’t be the first time.

Between that and the fact that I couldn’t really modify the width of the front pieces and still retain the stitch pattern properly (and match at the shoulders), the fit is OK, but not great, since the armholes cut in a little deeper in the back than in the front. It’s not really noticeable, though, unless you’re really looking for it - it certainly wasn’t worth reknitting the back piece just for that, although I did end up pulling out the neck and shoulder shaping to add an extra inch of length in the armhole area for the back piece because of the gauge problem.

IntSweMoDo #18

viewed 273 times | helped 2 people
October 23, 2010
December 5, 2010
About this pattern
3 projects, in 4 queues
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About this yarn
by Beaverslide Dry Goods
90% Merino, 10% Mohair
241 yards / 113 grams

1678 projects

stashed 1125 times

CabledSheep's star rating
  • Project created: October 23, 2010
  • Updated: December 6, 2010
  • Progress updates: 11 updates