This project is an UGH!
June 9, 2015
July 5, 2015


Project info
Nelina by Corrina Ferguson
Needles & yarn
Three Irish Girls Springvale DK
3 skeins = 810.0 yards (740.7 meters), 297 grams

I am rating this based on my experience with the original pattern and then the sleeve section in the edited/corrected pattern. Almost the entire pattern was rewritten since I cast on and I cannot base my rating off of the new release since I didn’t use it to knit the body of the pattern. I went off my instincts after comprehending the basic construction for the rest of the garment and realizing how inaccurate the original pattern was at time of release

I would encourage everyone to do a full size weighted swatch since knitting on the bias will cause things to lengthen. I blocked it originally on my blocking mat and hit gauge perfectly. But it grew significantly because of the construction.

6/9 Terrible first picture. Better lighting tomorrow. Worked through the first 24 rows and sadly have to go to bed. Being a responsible adult is a sad thing sometimes.

Worth noting -- I wish there were periodic stitch counts at the ends of rows in the set up section. It would have helped me confirm that everything was accurate.

Contemplating elbow length sleeves. We’ll see.

6/11 Work is incredibly exhausting (9.5 hr work days will do that), so I’m finally just now getting back to this. BO the 7 stitches (hit the 49 stitch count) after the second texture row.

6/12 I got to the final BO of the left side and realized, to my horror, that the stitch count hand continued to increase the entire way. I’m not certain, at this point, if I misread directions or if there is a typo in the actual pattern. Frogged back and threw my needles across the room in frustration. casting on again tomorrow and paying close attention. Sometimes, being able to knit stupid fast has it’s disadvantages.

6/14 Finished right front (again). My iphone seems to hate the color purple, so none of my wip pictures look right. Sigh. Casting on for the left front now, too. So happy now that it’s finally all working up correctly.

6/18 Almost done with the left front side! I’m anticipating finishing it tomorrow. The pattern is becoming very intuitive and I’ve now memorized the repeats. Hopefully I’ll fly through the back pieces.

6/21 So incredibly frustrated with this project. I was halfway through the right back when I realized that the SSK is pushing the piece to be left leaning and the actual direction it needs to go is to the right. I’ve dropped a line in to the designer to see what she thinks.

Taking this off the needles and putting it into hibernation. I’m going to dive into a different cardigan pattern and finish that first to get my groove back before attempting this again. Sigh.

7/1 I’m so over this pattern. The new edited version is basically a completely new pattern. I’ve almost finished the cardigan pieces and finally read down through the sleeves. I don’t like long sleeves on my cardigans and intended on making these elbow length. Turns out, the pattern changes from measurement style (knit until x inches long) to row count (knit x number of rows then do this). This makes it painfully awkward and difficult to change the sleeve length. I’ve decided to go with my instincts and do the following for sleeves. If I screw it up, well. Good thing Three Irish Girls is so awesome with the constant frogging I’ve done on this pattern.

Sleeve modifications: I would have done two full sleeve stripe sections before starting the short row section if I had the fortitude to frog them back.

CO 64 stitches. Work 8 rows of moss stitch (or seed stitch) per the rest of the sweater.

Work 1.5 section of Sleeve Stripe (so one full section of sleeve stripes and then 6 stockinette before moving on to short row shaping section) Pattern Row 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13: Knit. Row 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12: Purl.

Row 14, 18, 22: P1, k1, * k2tog; rep from * to last 2 sts, k1, p1. Row 15, 19, 23: K2, * kfb; rep from * to last 2 sts, k2. Row 16, 20, 24: Purl. Row 17, 21: Knit.

Work one Short Row Shaping section (L or R, depending on sleeve)

Work one Textured Decrease section (L or R, depending on sleeve)

I really want to get this beast on the blocking board by this weekend. I need to be done with this.


All that being said, I am not going to knit a Knitty pattern again until it had at least four completed projects.

viewed 613 times | helped 6 people
This project is an UGH!
June 9, 2015
July 5, 2015
About this pattern
40 projects, in 334 queues
CandiedGinger's overall rating
CandiedGinger's clarity rating
CandiedGinger's difficulty rating
About this yarn
by Three Irish Girls
100% Merino
270 yards / 100 grams

3481 projects

stashed 3864 times

CandiedGinger's star rating
  • Project created: June 9, 2015
  • Finished: July 5, 2015
  • Updated: November 2, 2016
  • Progress updates: 4 updates