Cody's Socks
November 2, 2017
December 13, 2017

Cody's Socks

Project info
Salted Caramels by Stephen Houghton
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
My Brother
Men's Medium
Needles & yarn
Malabrigo Yarn Sock
2 skeins = 880.0 yards (804.7 meters), 200 grams
Mockingbird Moon in Rogers, Arkansas
November 2, 2017

These lovely things started off with two major intimidations: A hemmed cuff and two circulars. Once I figured out those things {without buying the recommended 3rd and 4th sets of circulars}, I was off and running {sock pun!} and the first sock came together rather quickly… Or it was.

Then I had LASEK. The slow healing kind that doesn’t agree with tiny stitches. Through pure stubbornness {and the fact that I told my brother I would have these for him by Thanksgiving} I finished the first sock but Thanksgiving has come and gone and I’m still treading my way through the second sock and hoping I don’t permanently ruin my eyes in the process.

On the good side of things: he said that the first sock fits so now {one of} the challenge is to figure out the notes I made during the first sock so that they match-ish.

Updates as my eyes allow.


I finally broke down and started working on these again after a sending in my B3 Lesson 01 course. {I skimped on shipping so it will be tomorrow before she even receives it.}

So I finished the leg repeats and am halfway through the heel flap. This is going much faster than I remember it. But that’s probably just my imagination.


Finally finished these today!!

I’m thinking that because my original notes were a bit… mysterious… they may be two slightly different sizes. Oh well. I can always blame eye surgery.

Overall thoughts :

  • I like the thought of the cuffed hem though I’m not sure it’s supposed to flare like mine do.
  • The pattern went fairly fast even though I could never remember it and always had to look at my chart notes.
  • I wish these came with a smaller size option. I could definitely use some for myself in tones of pink.
viewed 22 times
November 2, 2017
December 13, 2017
About this pattern
88 projects, in 97 queues
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About this yarn
by Malabrigo Yarn
Light Fingering
100% Merino
440 yards / 100 grams

134141 projects

stashed 103322 times

ColorAndHappy's star rating
  • Project created: November 28, 2017
  • Updated: December 13, 2017
  • Progress updates: 2 updates