Chicken & Waffles Ornament
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Chicken & Waffles Ornament

Project info
Chicken Wing Charm by Kristina Gill
Ryan & Carmen
Needles & yarn

I made this chicken drumstick to attach to a mini waffle. I found a waffle stitch pattern and just knit up 2 small squares that I sewed together. Attached the drumstick and as an after thought added the syrup & butter using some felt. I made this for my friends who threw a “Come Help Us Decorate our Christmas Tree” Party. They go together like chicken and waffles.

I think next time I would make 2 pieces of chicken and add the syrup beforehand.

viewed 14 times
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About this pattern
8 projects, in 17 queues
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  • Project created: January 5, 2011
  • Finished: January 5, 2011
  • Updated: February 17, 2016