Stitches and Wishes
January 16, 2015
March 15, 2015

Stitches and Wishes

Project info
Girasole by Jared Flood
Neck / TorsoShawl / Wrap
Needles & yarn
US 7 - 4.5 mm
1,490 yards
Twisted Fiber Art Yummy Coordinate
1 skein = 235.0 yards (214.9 meters), 100 grams
Twisted Fiber Art, Inc.
Twisted Fiber Art Yummy Coordinate
1 skein = 235.0 yards (214.9 meters), 100 grams
Twisted Fiber Art, Inc.
Twisted Fiber Art Yummy Evolution
1 skein = 1020.0 yards (932.7 meters), 420 grams
Twisted Fiber Art, Inc.

Our friend has been through hell. While pregnant with her second child, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She delivered early, had chemo and a double mastectomy, and thought she was in remission. Her family has just found out that she has Triple-Negative Breast Cancer, which has metastasized to multiple organs.

There’s not a lot I can do for this amazing woman, but I will think healing thoughts with every stitch as I make this lap blanket.

Edited August 4, 2015: It is with a very sad and heavy heart that I have to report that Paz passed away this morning. I’m adding it to my notes because so many people have made such kind remarks and kept Paz in their thoughts and prayers. She leaves behind a husband and two young children. Thanks to all of you who kept her in your hearts.


Using Dyakcraft NLs and dpns in size US 7. These are simply amazing needles; my favorites by far.

Yarn (evolution) is broken in to three cakes of approximately equal size.

-Disappearing loop cast-on using dpns.

Chart A:
-Completed 1/16/15. Used 29” cable and magic loop method.

Chart B:
-Completed 1/20/15. At end of this section, switched from 29” cable to 21” cable; amount of stitches was adequate to support working in the round without the need of magic loop at this length (32” total).

Chart C:
-Completed 2/6/15.

Chart D:
-Completed 2/12/15. Ran out of first cake of yarn after completing row 13 of this chart. Used invisible knot to join second cake.

Chart E:
-Completed 2/21/15. Switched to 29” cable (640 sts on needle) before beginning this chart. Ran out of second cake of yarn after completing 1 1/4 repeats of this chart. Used invisible knot to join third (and final) cake.

Chart F:
-Completed 2/27/15.

Chart G:
-Ran out of evolution midway through first row; began using gray coordinate.

-Placed lifeline in final row of chart (row 8, second repeat).

-Worked one additional knit row after final round of chart in gray. Worked k2tog in last two sts of this round, so as to have 639 sts on needle. (Edging appears to be worked in multiple of 3; 640 sts would leave an extra stitch.)

-Completed 3/4/15

Chart H:
-Chose to work edging in black; it is recipient’s favorite color, and while I couldn’t bring myself to make her an entire blanket in it, I wanted to incorporate a bit more than was in the evolution.

-Had a hard time following instructions for this chart; both written and charted were giving me trouble. Found a video that was very helpful. Link:

-Realized after working about 30 repeats that I hated the way that by joining the black yarn when I did, the gray yarn looked like I’d whip-stitched the border on to the rest of the project. Ripped out the border and knit one row in black (as opposed to ripping out 640 gray stitches for no real reason). Now the border looks more fluid.

-Completed 3/15/15

viewed 1076 times | helped 4 people
January 16, 2015
March 15, 2015
About this pattern
2987 projects, in 3385 queues
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About this yarn
by Twisted Fiber Art
80% Merino, 10% Cashmere goat, 10% Nylon
160 yards / 70 grams

387 projects

stashed 574 times

Danniknitter's star rating
About this yarn
by Twisted Fiber Art
80% Merino, 10% Cashmere goat, 10% Nylon
230 yards / 100 grams

69 projects

stashed 117 times

Danniknitter's star rating
  • Project created: September 3, 2014
  • Finished: March 17, 2015
  • Updated: May 24, 2017
  • Progress updates: 8 updates