May 27, 2015
January 31, 2016


Project info
Machrihanish by Kate Davies Designs
Needles & yarn
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
32 stitches and 36 rows = 4 inches
in colourwork pattern in the round
Ullcentrum 2-ply Sport Weight
none left in stash
5 skeins = 1640.0 yards (1499.6 meters), 500 grams
April 25, 2015

Using Mary Jane Mucklestone’s 250 Fair Isle Motifs book.

Cast on done on 28 April come out far too big - luckily only 3 rows of corrugated rib done.

27.5.15 Remeasured swatch and now casting on for smallest size (276 sts) which I think will come out about 44”. Will increase to 312 which is divisible by 24/12/6. Have gone through MJ Muckleston’s 200 Fairisle Patterns book and marked a seriesof 24, 12, and 6 stitch patterns.

Lovely colourwork so far, as you can see. Sadly I’ve just pulled it all out this morning (Saturday 6th June, just before going off to Leeds Wool Festival) as I think the fabric’s too dense! Even for me! Will start again, on 3mm needles, and straight into the pattern. Will pick up and add ribbing at the end to see what colour I’ve got left, and it wont be corrugated.

Midsummer’s Day - 24th June - growing nicely. Just started third and fourth balls of yarn at 14” long. Had to rewind one to start in the right place.

November 2015 - picked up again while down at Sarah’s in early November. Centre steek started.


Steeks bound off. Shoulders grafted. Read for scissors!!!


Crocheted the neck steek reinforcement using Kate Davies’ tutorial method this morning before work. 2mm crochet hook and indigo dyed laceweight yarn from Mulberry Dyers as that was to hand and blended in best (everything else fine enough was white)


Picked up stitches for and knitted the neckband last night. Had to unravel it all as it was too short: I’d picked up 3 sts for 4 rows and it wasn’t enough, what with corrugated 2 colour ribbing and it being on a diagonal. Re-picked up sts this morning - one per row.


All ribbing around armholes and neck finished. Tried on - fits nicely, but quite long enough. Fits snugly round hips, so ribbing not required for length or pulling in, so I’ll knit a facing on it.


Cut off the bottom narrow pattern row, picked up the live stitches, and using the same yarn (still attached) knit corrugated rib downwards.

Ends woven in (not many). Just needs washing and blocking.

viewed 277 times
May 27, 2015
January 31, 2016
About this pattern
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About this yarn
by Ullcentrum
100% Wool
328 yards / 100 grams

4169 projects

stashed 3570 times

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  • Project created: April 28, 2015
  • Finished: January 31, 2016
  • Updated: May 25, 2021
  • Progress updates: 2 updates