Frida’s Pup
November 18, 2019
January 16, 2020

Frida’s Pup

Project info
diggerdy dog greyhound pup by Debi Birkin
Needles & yarn
US 2 - 2.75 mm
Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light
36 yards in stash
WEBS - America's Yarn Store in Northampton, Massachusetts
November 11, 2011
Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light
144 yards in stash
WEBS - America's Yarn Store in Northampton, Massachusetts
April 25, 2014
Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light
144 yards in stash
WEBS - America's Yarn Store in Northampton, Massachusetts
April 26, 2014
Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light
144 yards in stash
WEBS - America's Yarn Store in Northampton, Massachusetts
January 11, 2020
Blue Sky Fibers Baby Alpaca (Solid)
110 yards in stash
WEBS - America's Yarn Store in Northampton, Massachusetts
Knit Picks Palette
462 yards in stash
Knit Picks

Worked in the Round

Please see the first one of these pooches I made for the how-to: Dog in Pants project.


The buttons are courtesy of cynthiaknitone, who has an amazing stash of buttons and was kind enough to bring some to knit night for me to sort through.


Chipmunk pattern used for sweater, although I altered it by changing the stitch pattern, sleeve length, and neck as described below.

  • Worked in the round for 14 rows (including ribbing rows) and then switched to flat. (So there are arm holes.)

  • After the last row in the pattern I worked in the front or back pattern for 4 stitches and bound them off, then worked in k1p1 up to the last 5 stitches, then finished the row in the front or back pattern. I did this for the front and back for two rows. This makes the shoulders and starts the turtleneck.

  • Continue the k1p1 as set (I had to add a stitch by knitting back and front in a stitch to have the ribbing correct), joining to work in the round when possible.

  • After a few rows I sewed up the shoulders and made sure the dog’s head was going to fit through the neck.

  • Continue the ribbing for 2” and bind off very loosely.

  • For the sleeves, after picking up around the arm hole, I did 23 rows of all knit (knitting in the round) and then 4 rows of k1p1 for the cuffs. I had to increase by one on the first row of ribbing to have an even number of stitches to have the k1p1 come out right.

  • I put a knot of lavender yarn with a tiny tail at the inside top back of the sweater so that it’s obvious which way up to put the sweater on. (After putting it on upside-down myself and wondering why the ribbing at the bottom was so long. Doh!)

  • The ears of the dog should be stuffed through the turtleneck before pulling the head through to keep them well attached. It’s a bit of a tight fit.

viewed 14 times
November 18, 2019
January 16, 2020
About this pattern
54 projects, in 42 queues
HilaryWithOneL's overall rating
HilaryWithOneL's clarity rating
HilaryWithOneL's difficulty rating
HilaryWithOneL's adjectives for this pattern
  1. Well-Written
  2. Cute
  3. Well-Constructed
About this yarn
by Knit Picks
100% Wool
231 yards / 50 grams

94191 projects

stashed 139122 times

HilaryWithOneL's star rating
HilaryWithOneL's adjectives for this yarn
  1. tons of colors
  2. great for tiny toys
About this yarn
by Berroco
50% Alpaca, 50% Wool
144 yards / 50 grams

11092 projects

stashed 10176 times

HilaryWithOneL's star rating
HilaryWithOneL's adjectives for this yarn
  1. Soft
  2. Easy to knit with
  3. Holds up well
About this yarn
by Blue Sky Fibers
100% Alpaca
110 yards / 50 grams

8708 projects

stashed 8683 times

HilaryWithOneL's star rating
HilaryWithOneL's adjectives for this yarn
  1. Soft
  2. Easy to knit with
  • Project created: January 12, 2020
  • Updated: January 16, 2020
  • Progress updates: 2 updates