Adamant hearts on the double
January 10, 2021
February 4, 2021

Adamant hearts on the double

Project info
Adamant Hearts by KnitJoyz
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
One size hopefully fits
Needles & yarn

It is still a long time befor the next sock madness (and still pondering if I’m gonna take part again), but somehow I have to keep challenging myself this year.

This was the sock that threw me out of the sock madness last year. It was ok, but waaaay too late.And, as all stranded socks, they barely fit me. Even though I used ladderback jacquard.

As I was knitting those socks, completely charted, I already wondered if they could be completely double knit. And with lots of yarn left from my LOTR-items, I somehow just cast them on.

Unfortunately I found no way to double knit the border so that each side has a different colour. So I gave up on that and just made a plain small 6 needle cuff. From there on, I just double knit the chart.

The first challenge was the heel flap. I passed that by pretty easy by knitting it just as the gazillion double knit squares I did . Worked like a charm and the stitches were easy to pick up.

Second challenge was the heel turn. For the decreases I just swapped the first ‘backside-purl’ with the next ‘frontside-knit’, then knitted the front stitches together and purled the back stitches together. The stitch that should be knit with both strands together I did the same as the Borderstich at the sides of the heel flap : slip k stitch wyib, only contrast yarn forward, slip p stitch, turn and THEN knit them in the next row instead of slipping.

The first rows of the foot were a bit nerve wracking and I dropped a stitch that I had to repair, but from here on it should be easy peasy continuing the same method for the decreases. All I have to do then is see if I need to make the foot a bit longer.


Finished the first sock,and it turned out better then I thought. On the toe I did the same increases as for the gusset. After finishing, I put the ‘inside’ stitches on a piece of scrapyarn, closed the outside with Kitchener, turned the sock and closed the inside toe the same way. Two almost perfect socks one inside the other.

Have to give myself a little break now with a simple sock befor I start number 2. It is very straining and labour intensive,an I don’t want to loose my mojo before the SM.


Today I started the second sock, and ran into so much frustration I am about to throw in the towel.
After 4 hours of knitting (it is a sloooooooow process), I discovered a big mistake; missed two rows. Frogged, and now I can’t get it back on the needles for the life of me. Well, it’s on the needles again, but I can’t see where I am in the pattern. Tried for an hour, tinked 4 more rows, and still can’t find it.

So, this might be the last you see of this…..forever single sock :-( I hated every stitch of it, and I think knitting should be fun and relaxing, not Slave labour.


Glad to say that with a little perseverance, I managed to get my second sock on the trail again. Found out that I did not MISS two rows, but switched from the right to the left chart after a crash :-(. That explains why I could not find the row I needed to knit:I was searching the wrong chart :lol:.

I also put the work on another (cheap bamboo) needle, so I don’t stab myself under the thumbnail again with my sharps (which hurts all the way through the body the umptieth time. ).


Finished!! Never been so glad a project is finished. I love double knitting and especially the effect it creates, but it IS straining and labour intensive. One issue of double knit socks takes about the time of knitting four other pairs.

The socks are too large and definitely too warm for me, but my husband with his ever freezing feet will love them .

viewed 153 times | helped 2 people
January 10, 2021
February 4, 2021
About this pattern
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  • Project created: January 14, 2021
  • Updated: February 4, 2021
  • Progress updates: 4 updates