February 14, 2017
February 21, 2017


Project info
Invitation to the Dance by Caoua Coffee
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
Sock Madness - Warmup-round
Needles & yarn
Adriafil Calzasocks
2 skeins = 460.0 yards (420.6 meters), 100 grams
1 skein

Not a pattern I would have chosen myself, but very well written, with lots of extra info and tips. Fun to make. I have big legs , so I had to choose the large size. But the feet will be normal W8; -)


Finished the faire Isle part and the rest of the leg, the heel and the turning heel, just about to start the gusset. Because I have big calfs, I HAD to use size L and the larger needle (2,5) for the cuff and the fair Isle part, but as you can see the other half turned out too big, I had to change to a smaller (2mm) needle sooner. Did that in the last 4-5 rows. From there on I can continue with the smaller needle. For non-colorwork socks I can probably knit medium, and only the cuff with larger needles.

But this is a warm-up, so I will keep my mistakes as they are and learn. There are another few minor errors in the heel, (added a stitch somewhere ???) That I will just ignore this time around ;-).

If the entire stock turns out terrible / I run into more fitting problems, I will first knit the second sock (and decrease after the faire Isle part), and frog and redo the left one. But if it fits okay, I will leave it as it is.


Just frogged it . (Not the color work, only the too wide k/p pattern). Took me a long time to decide, but in the end it is the best. Had a little extra practice, and will not remake the same mistakes. Also decreased 10 stitches, to get a better fit.


Redid the part I frogged last night, just finished the gusset. Fits much better now, so I am glad I decided to frog. I DO find the foot on the small side though, 79 stitches would probably be perfect ;-). Tomorrow I hope to finish the first Sock. The second might take a bit longer, although I am eager to try out a new technique I ran into ; ladder back jacquard.


Almost ready to quit before I really started today, by trying kitchener stitch for the first time. Will spare you the story, but it took me almost 1,5 hours to finish the mess I made of that toe. But. ….I finished the first Sock, and will start the next one tomorrow. Learned a lot so far. Although my kitchener stitch needs a little more practice. ….


Had to work all day, so not much progress. Only knitted a few down in the evening; the cuff and the first row of fair Isle. This time I tried the ladder back jacquard technique, and it is very easy and I love the amount of stretch it has. Hope to do a bit more tomorrow.


Almost finished the second sock ; just need to do the toe and find out a better way to do that Kitchener stitch, because that was hell last time and almost ruined the entire sock. Will get it done tonight, I hope.

viewed 78 times
February 14, 2017
February 21, 2017
About this pattern
399 projects, in 234 queues
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About this yarn
by Adriafil
Light Fingering
75% Wool, 25% Nylon
230 yards / 50 grams

699 projects

stashed 386 times

L33ntj3's star rating
  • Project created: February 14, 2017
  • Finished: February 21, 2017
  • Updated: April 9, 2017
  • Progress updates: 6 updates