March 2, 2017
March 12, 2017


Project info
Twisted Madness by Gina Meyer
Feet / LegsSocksMid-calf
Sock Madness - Qualification Round - Twisted Madness
Needles & yarn
US 2 - 2.75 mm
Home Made vom KIK
Light Fingering
2 skeins = 393.7 yards (360.0 meters), 100 grams

Size made : L (80 stitches)
60 rows for leg
36 rows for heel & gusset
51 rows for foot (to get to 7 inch)
19 rows for toe
Counter thread on every 5 rows

First real challenge in the sock madness.
As I do not really like the pattern (yet, that can always change while knitting ;-)) I took my least favorite yarn that I will probably never use for a pattern I fell in love with. Who knows, maybe 2 minuses make a plus.


I am stil very unsure about these socks.

I DO like the structure the very slow and complicated stitch gives, but it is looking SOOOOO incredibly small, although I initially had the right gauge, the prescribed needle and am not knitting too tight. I cannot image anyone with functiong legs (and over the age of 10) fitting them ; definitely NOT me. I did not choose size L for nothing.

If I want to finish these, I really have to rely on pure willpower, beause the love of knitting of love for the socks is not gonna do it this time round. At this moment I am seriously reconsidering my taking part in this, just give up and start knitting socks that I like AND that will fit me or anyone in my family.


Decided to start all over again with 2,75 mm needle. Much quicker and easier, and looks better.Much nicer on my hands too.

My gauge was way off. Reminds me to never trust a pattern, even when you make a swatch. My gauge is usually always larger (less stitches per inch) but here it was smaller (12 stitches per inch).

Don’t know if I will have enough time to finish the pair though, very little knitting time the coming weeks.


Will probably make a few more rows tonight, but not much. As expected, very little knitting time again, because I could not skip Sandhasen Sonntag ;-)

37 rows down, 23 to go before the heel & gusset. I am determined to finish at least one sock (1 1/3 including the part I have not yet frogged).

The stitch is becoming easier and easier now, especially because of the much larger needles. Still, it is a slow process.


Started the heel & gusset tonight, hope to finish it by bedtime. As I have by now learned to “read the stitches” it is actually quite easy. Hope the foot will be a bit faster, so I can finish this sock within the first week ;-)


I had a real hard time starting this sock (and really hating it in the beginning) but the further I get, the more I like it (added two stars now, wit room to grow) . It is actually a very intricate pattern, and I love how the heel and gusset are worked in one go, while the point where you started automatically becomes the back middle of the sock. Great fit for the heel too, even though at first it looked very pointy.

I am just a little dissappointed with the fit, having wide heels and a high instep, so I do not really fit the sock myself, even in large with a 2,75 mm needle. I CAN put them on, with a little violence, and out with a little more violence and help, so chances are I will never wear them, but by now I reached the point where I am seriously considering knitting a pair that will fit me later on.

It took me about eighty rows to get familiar, even comfortable with the stitch. I will never be able to do it with my eyes closed, but I never thought I would even get that far. Tonight I hope to finish more of the foot, and hope to finish the first sock tomorrow. The second one will most definitely knit up a lot faster. Maybe I will even manage to get it done within 2 weeks and qualify ;-)

I lost a lot of time on the m1r and m1l though ; that was a real struggle, but it too adds to the look.


Starting my second sock today. Just frogged my first attempt, because I will need the yarn ;-) . Hope to be able to finish it befor wednesday, to have a shot at entering the contest. Not that I have any illusion of standing a chance . Qualifying is already a large victory the first time round. This is serious sock knitting . Sometimes frustrating, but definitely educational.


Speeding (relatively, compared with the first) through my second sock. Incredible how much you learn the first time round, and how even the hardest stitch can become familiar. Knit heel & gusset and heelturn today, just started the foot.


Yes, finished !
It was a long struggle, but I finally managed to conquer these socks. Now the waiting (and hoping they will qualify) starts…..


Yes, my socks are OK and I made it into a team !! The madness continues - at least for one more round ;-)

What I’ve learned from knitting this sock :

  • that I am a very very tight knitter, when working on small needles. Even though I thought my knitting was always very relaxed and supple. Not. Need to use 2-3 needle sizes more then indicated and STILL have my gauge off.

  • that I can even master a real bitch of a stitch, if only I take the time (several hours !) to practice.

  • that knitting on a straight chair (behind a table) instead of a lazy one, greatly prevents pain and injuries in almost every body-part involved (neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers. lower back, hips, even eyes).

  • that there are loads of audiobooks on Youtube, and they are great when you have to really concentrate on your knitting.

viewed 118 times
March 2, 2017
March 12, 2017
About this pattern
1073 projects, in 129 queues
L33ntj3's overall rating
L33ntj3's clarity rating
L33ntj3's difficulty rating
  • Project created: March 2, 2017
  • Finished: March 12, 2017
  • Updated: April 9, 2017
  • Progress updates: 7 updates