12-01-29 - daisy stripe mitts
January 29, 2012
January 31, 2012

12-01-29 - daisy stripe mitts

Project info
Needles & yarn
US 6 - 4.0 mm
Classic Elite Yarns Liberty Wool
12 yards in stash
1.6 skeins = 195.2 yards (178.5 meters), 80 grams
The Whole Nine Yarns in Woodstock, Georgia

With size 6 needle, Cast on 45 st, k first and last together for a total of 44 st.

k+ = k into front and back of st

daisy stitch (DS) = k3 together but leave stitches on left hand needle, yo, k3 together and pull stitches off needle


Row 1 & 3: knit all stitches
Row 2: p1, DS - to end of row
Row 2: DS, p1 - to end of row

work in pattern for 32 rows.

Start thumb gusset:
Row 33: k+, continue k
Row 34: k1, (DS, p1) - to end of row
Row 35: k+, continue k
Row 36: k2, (p1, DS) - to end of row
Row 37: k+ twice, continue k
Row 38: DS, p1 - to end of row
Row 39: k+, k2, k+, continue k
Row 40: k1, p1, DS, k1, (p1, DS) - to end of row
Row 41: k+, k4, k+
Row 42: DS, p1 - to end
Row 43: k+, k6, k+, continue k
Row 44: k1, (p1, DS) twice, k1, (p1, DS) to end
Row 45: k+, k8, k+, continue k
Row 46: DS, p1 - to end
Row 47: k to end
Row 48: p1, DS - to end
Row 49: k to end
Row 50: DS, p1 - to end
Row 51: k to end
Row 52: sl first 12 needles onto waste yarn, (p1, DS) to end
Row 52: k to end
Row 53: (DS, p1) to end
Row 54: k to end
Row 55: (p1, DS) to end
Row 56: k to end
Row 57: (DS, p1) to end
Row 58: k to end
Row 59: (p1, DS) to end
Row 60: k to end
Row 61: (DS, p1) to end
Row 62: k to end
Row 63: (p1, DS) to end
Row 64: k to end
Row 65: k bind-off

Put 12 st on needles
Row 1: (p1, DS) three times, pick up 4 st on back of thumb
Row 2: k to end
Row 4: (DS, p1) to end
Row 5: k to end
Row 6: k bind off

viewed 41 times | helped 1 person
January 29, 2012
January 31, 2012
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Classic Elite Yarns
100% Wool
122 yards / 50 grams

11423 projects

stashed 8669 times

Lizella's star rating
  • Project created: January 30, 2012
  • Finished: February 1, 2012
  • Updated: April 23, 2014