Magic Garden Skirt
August 2012
September 14, 2012

Magic Garden Skirt

Project info
CGOA Fashion show in Reno 2012
Hooks & yarn
2.75 mm (C)
Araucania Patagonia Nature Cotton
Light Fingering
Crystal Palace Yarns Panda Silk Solid
Nazli Gelin Garden 3
Lacis in Berkeley, California

I have always considered myself a “free former”, but it has been in the last 3-or 4 years that I have become fascinated with Irish crochet motifs and Russian crochet.

I have taken classes with Prudence Mapstone,Maire Treanor, and Myra Wood.( I recommend taking a class with any/all of these ladies if possible!)

The Russian Crochet Magazines “Duplet” and “Mod” are a wealth of ideas and information. The the Russian Crochet groups on Ravelry are also very inspiring. In particular “Olgamini” is very generous with her tutorials and examples!

This project began with me wanting enter something into the CGOA (fall conference in Reno 2012) -fashion show . I wanted to make a skirt and had been playing around with several ways of trying to make it flattering around the waist etc.

This skirt began with some rhythmic basic crochet patterns creating a slightly flared “yoke” around the tummy area. ( the very top of the waist was actually added at the end) I pieced in repeating motifs till I came to the lower hip area. At this point I laid various motifs out into 9 squiggly “gores” which I free formed together connecting with chains and DC as needed.

It was with great hubris and pure naivite that I endeavored to to take on this project in so little a time frame! The fact that I used a thicker gauge yarn, the possibility of the embarrassment of not having the project finished in time, and staying up late quite a few nights are the factors that made it possible!

I had no idea that the in between connecting of the motifs took so long! Less than a week away from the deadline I began to connect the motifs in the first gore. It took me 4 hours. I multiplied 4x the 8 more I had to do and came up with 32 more hours!!! At this point I was sure I wasn’t going to make it! I did manage to whittle the time down to 2 hours. The truth is I really enjoyed that part of the project! The truth is I enjoyed the whole project!!!- I LOVE making the motifs!! I am looking forward to my next project - where I will not box myself into an unreasonable time frame!!

ps. My beautiful daughter - with her slim hips - is modeling my skirt.

viewed 1084 times | helped 2 people
August 2012
September 14, 2012
About this pattern
Personal pattern (not in Ravelry)
About this yarn
by Crystal Palace Yarns
52% Rayon from Bamboo, 43% Merino, 5% Silk
204 yards / 50 grams

3281 projects

stashed 2618 times

Mirtooli's star rating
  • Project created: September 23, 2012
  • Finished: September 23, 2012
  • Updated: September 24, 2012